This page is dedicated to diagenesis and fluid-rock interactions during and after the lithification. Field observations help to better constrain both matrix and structural diagenesis (i.e. related to fault and fractures).
The Diagenesis is defined as « All the chemical, physical, and biologic changes undergone by a sediment after its initial deposition, during and after its lithification (transformation to rock), exclusive of weathering and metamorphism » (Bates and Jackson, 1980). Diagenesis is commonly expressed by (i) compaction and (ii) dissolution/cementation.
Laubach et al. (2010) define the Strutural Diagenesis as follows « The structural diagenesis is the study of the relationships between deformation or deformational structures and chemical changes to sediments«
This page is dedicated to fluid-flow markers or features whatever the study scale. The hierarchization is mainly based on the fluid type and the conditions of fluid circulation (e.g. vadose zone, meteoric waters, formation fluids etc.). The aim of this section is to catch some relevant ideas using self-similarity.
Constructive comments are always very welcome.
Some references:
Bates, R.B., and J.A. Jackson, 1980, Glossary of Geology.
Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P., Hilgers, C., Lander, R.H., 2010, Structural Diagenesis: Journal of Structural Geology, 32, 12, 1866-1872.